.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 .. _faq: FAQ ===================================== Input format ------------------------------------- Nominally does one thing: take a name and parse it. The name must be received as a Unicode string. If you are working with bytes as input, you will first need to decode them. For assistance in working with Unicode strings, see: - `Python 3 Documentation, "Unicode HOWTO" `_ - `Ned Batchelder, "Pragmatic Unicode" `_ - `Joel Spolsky, "The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)" `_ Nominally takes input one name at a time. For ideas about how to use Nominally on a larger scale, to work with entire lists, DataFrames, files, or databases, see https://github.com/vaneseltine/nominally-examples/. .. _cleaning: Name cleaning ------------------------------------- Nominally does not create or tag canonical names. Strings are *aggressively* cleaned. For specifics, see :py:func:`nominally.parser.Name.clean` Name ordering ------------------------------------- We only handle `Western name order `_. No effort is made to disentangle or rearrange names based on their origins. We do not preserve suffix or title ordering. Treat these as sets. Titles and suffixes ------------------------------------- We handle few suffixes: - PhD - MD - Sr - Junior, Jr, II, 2nd, III, 3rd, IV, 4th We handle very few titles: - Dr. - Mr. - Mrs. - Ms. These are treated as unordered sets. Library ------------------------------------- The Name class creates immutable instances. See Also -------------------------------------- More great Python packages in the record linkage community include: - `Python Record Linkage Toolkit `_ by Jonathan de Bruin - `Dedupe Python Library `_ by Forest Gregg and Derek Eder - `RLTK: Record Linkage ToolKit `_ by the USC Center on Knowledge Graphs